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1 Ans How much money does Google CEO get paid?

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 25 Dec 2019, 12:45 PM at (Technology Internet)

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How much money does Google get paid?

Beautiful pitching is unique in Google's history. There may be several reasons. However, the latest news is that the newly appointed CEO of Alphabet, Google and its parent company, is pleased with the work of its CEO and the company's board of directors is rewarding him. The amount is like raising the eyebrows. He will get $ 24 million worth of shares in the next three years. No other executive has ever been promised such a big award in the history of the search engine company.

Although the amount is Google's highest, Apple CEO Tim Cook is far behind. When he took over the iPhone maker company, he was promised $ 376 million.

He will receive a salary of $ 2 million annually from 2020. Larry Page, on the other hand, received a nominal salary of $ 5 for the same position.

Earlier this month, two co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin stepped down from Alphabet duties. Along with the beautiful Pichai in charge of the head of Google, Alphabet is the head of the parent company.

Pichai has been working at Google for a decade and a half. In 2015, the responsibility of the CEO came over his shoulder. At that time, he was paid 6 million 52 thousand 500 dollars annually. In the following years, his income increased rapidly. At that time, Google announced a $ 20 million prize. That was the highest time in Google history. From that point, Pichai broke his own record.

According to the latest Google report, the company earned a total of $ 19 million in revenue in 2018. The base salary was $ 6 million. Much of the rest is spent on his transportation and security. The amount is too high, but not. On the income side, the average salary of CEOs of major US companies was $ 12 million in 2018.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Wednesday, 25 Dec 2019, 12:47 PM

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