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1 Ans 5 causes of death when in sleeping

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 14 Dec 2019, 07:50 AM at (Lifestyle Health)

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No one knows when it will die. Kate does not come to death. Often, death occurs in the sleep at night. Many say that death in sleep is like going to peace. But so what? Do you know exactly what causes death in sleep?

In many cases excessive body weight, respiratory problems, cold nose runny nose and many other causes can cause problems in people's nose. However, sleep apnea can also lead to nasal problems which can increase the risk of premature death.

One study found that this disorder of sleep disorders causes severe damage to the right and left ventricular heart. According to a recent report, about 40 million people in the United States suffer from 'sleep apnea'.

Let's see what causes death in sleep-

1. People die of heart disease.

2. Asthma is often the cause of death in sleep.

3. Stroke, bad dreams in sleep and death of people.

4. The effects of carbon monoxide at home can also result in death during sleep.

5. Calling nose also causes death. If there is any such problem without neglect, treat it in advance.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Saturday, 14 Dec 2019, 07:51 AM

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