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1 Ans Innovation of the brain-like memory machine

Asked by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 29 Dec 2019, 11:22 AM at (Technology Internet)

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Innovation of the brain-like memory machine

The way information is stored in a human brain, it can be stored in a memory device. A team of international researchers recently worked to invent such a device. An international team of researchers led by researchers from Japan's National Institute of Materials Science is working on the Neuromorphic Network Material. This was reported in a report by IANS.

According to data from Chip Giant Intel, neuro morphic computing is related to the neural structure and operation of the human brain.

Researchers plan to design a memory device using a different principle than the main one used on current computers. They hope that this study will help them understand the information processing process in the brain.

The dissertation article was published in the 'Scientific Reports' periodical. Researchers say they have succeeded in creating a neuromorphic network composed of numerous metallic nanowires. They claim that by using this network, they are able to create electrical properties similar to human brains, which can perform such things as remembering, learning, forgetting, being alert, or maintaining peace.

Researchers say artificial intelligence or Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly and has begun to make a difference in our lives. Although information processing of AI is thought to be similar to that of the human brain, much is still unknown about how the human brain operates.

Answered by Birds of the sky (2 Golds) Sunday, 29 Dec 2019, 11:23 AM

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